How Do I Delete Old Threads

How Do I Delete Old Threads

Some courses may require students to create their own threads instead of using a starter thread to which students would reply.

The drawback of this method is all threads are copied over automatically during the course copy process. this means when content is moved forward to the next semester all of the old student created threads come with it.

Follow the instructions below to remove previous semester threads from a current course shell.


1. Open your current semester shell and access the discussions area by clicking Course Tools > Discussion Board.



2. In the discussion board area you will see a list of forums present in the course, click on the name of the forum which contains the threads.



3. Within the forum you will see all of the threads which have been copied over. The date associated with the thread will indicate when the thread was created. You may now select individual threads to delete by checking the box next to each one or select all threads for deletion by checking the top-left box. Once you have selected the threads you wish delete simply click the Delete button at the top of the page and click OK in the warning box that appears.







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