Locating a Panopto Folder and Recording A Video

Locating a Panopto Folder and Recording A Video

Step 1: Inside your course, locate the Panopto/Course Videos link on the left sidebar and select it. This will open up the main Panopto page for the course directly in Blackboard. It will look similar to the following:


Step 2: When you open this main page, you should see different folders listed. See the image below for where to locate these folders. Select the correct folder based on your Assignment instructions.


Step 3: Once you have selected the correct folder, you will then need to also select the [Assignments] folder.  The word [assignments] will appear in the title of this folder.

NOTE: Using an [assignments] folder is at the discretion of the instructor. They may be using a regular folder instead. *If you open the main folder and do not see an additional [Assignments] folder, then your instructor may be using just a regular folder. If so, you can move on to Step 4. 


Step 4: Once you are in the correct folder according to the instructions provided by your instructor, select the Red “Create” button that is located next to the Search bar. You will see several options, but you should focus on the first two to record your video.



Step 5: After you have recorded your video, you can close your recording window. It may take some time to process depending on its size. Once you refresh your Blackboard page though, you should be able to go back into the folder where you recorded it and see it there.


Step 6: To get the link to share the video, hover over the video and you will see a list of options appear. Select the Share option to get the link for your video. 


Step 7: You can also hover over the video and select Edit to make changes.

NOTE: If you cannot find your video in the correct folder, go ahead and check all the remaining folders to be sure it did not upload to the wrong location. If it did, see the set of instructions on how to move your video to the correct folder. 



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